Koser Road Project

Finn and Tree

In 2003, TCCCA partnered with a cub scout troop from Elizabethtown to plant over 100 trees along the Conewago Creek downstream of the Koser Road bridge.  Prior to planting, this area was overgrown with invasive species such as multiflora rose and mile a minute weed.  TCCCA volunteers worked to remove invasive species prior to planting.  The trees were planted in fall 2003.  TCCCA volunteers maintained the trees for several years, removing mile a minute with weed whackers and by hand. Once the trees grew tall enough, they began to shade out the mile a minute.  The before and after photos show how much growth can occur in less than ten years if a riparian buffer is properly maintained during the first several years after planting.

Location of project:

Koser road map

Before and after pictures:


Buffer functions, 15 years after planting: